Happy woman in Mirafit gym

Mental health is widely recognised as something which must be maintained and worked on just as much as physical health to stay in good shape.

This is where exercise comes in. 

Shakira Akabusi, fitness expert and Mental Health Adviser at Rethink, a leading mental health charity, told us: “There is an inextricable and well-documented link between good mental wellbeing and physical exercise."

She continues "At a basic level, exercise causes the body to release endorphins that improve your mood. In the long term, you’ll begin to find that you have more energy and that you’re more able to concentrate on tasks.”

With the world feeling a little darker at the moment, now more than ever it’s important to focus on your mental health. So with this in mind, we’ve put together five ways physical activity makes both short-term and lasting improvements to your mental health.

1 - Give your mood an instant lift 

Squatting with Mirafit weight plates

Ever been for a run and felt like you could take on the world immediately afterwards? 

This is probably due to the release of endorphins, the human body’s natural painkillers, which can be as potent as morphine according to Medical News Today.  

The chemicals are stored in the brain and are released when you exercise to give you feelings of pleasure and alleviate pain simultaneously, instantly boosting positivity.  

But researchers at a University in Finland have shown that the amount of endorphins released is dependent on the intensity of the exercise, showing that high-intensity workouts are best for releasing the feel-good chemical. 

Getting your heart pumping is, therefore, the best way to have an instant impact on your mood through exercise.   

2 - Sleep more easily and more soundly  

Most of us have experienced the frustration of laying wide awake in bed hoping desperately that sleep will take hold and temporarily render our consciousness obsolete.  

For people suffering from insomnia, this frustration can be a daily agony. 

Exercise has proven to have a direct relationship with sleep patterns meaning that those with a more active lifestyle are also more likely to sleep better, therefore reducing depressive thoughts and anxieties related to sleep deprivation.  

Try being mindful of the link between exercise and sleep during the day for an altogether more peaceful and relaxing night’s sleep.

3 - Release nature’s appetite suppressant 

Exercise releases serotonin, which is described by Psychology Today as ‘nature’s own appetite suppressant’. This has the effect of curbing cravings and satisfying your appetite to make you feel full.

Therefore, regular exercise is doubly beneficial in that it does as much to take the weight off as it does to stop you from putting it on. 

The powerful chemical, serotonin, also reduces anxiety, improves emotional stability and helps you feel more focused. Releases of serotonin are hugely positive in regulating your mood and can provide much-needed respite for people struggling with depression or anxiety. 

4 - Increase confidence through personal achievement 

Using Mirafit weight plates

We all know the unbeatable feeling of attaining something we have strived for which matters to us individually. Sport and exercise can give us this too. But, as Rethink Mental Health Adviser, Shakira Akabusi, says, it’s about relating achievement to ourselves and not to others around us.  

She continues: “It’s always important to celebrate your victories, no matter how small they may seem. Everyone has their own starting point. 

“Don’t be afraid to be a beginner. If you can get active, enjoy the process and feel the benefits for your physical and mental wellbeing, that's cause for celebration.”  

5 - Lifting weights and high-intensity training increases testosterone 

Testosterone is vital, especially for men, as low levels of the hormone have been linked to low energy, moodiness, low self-esteem and a diminished sex drive. All of which clearly have a direct correlation with poor mental health. The latter especially so.  

But certain types of exercise can massively increase testosterone levels for men, including lifting heavy weights and high-intensity interval training.

So, if you’ve been feeling a little down or lethargic lately, try lifting, running, climbing, fast cycling or anything that really gets your heart going to inject a shot of life into your body and see how you feel.

Remember intensity of exercise is relative to you personally so try not to compare your goals to others around you.  

Shakira Akabusi adds: “Enjoying exercise is key to maintaining it, so I’d suggest finding a level of activity that you’re comfortable with and building from there. It ultimately doesn’t matter what you do. The important thing is that it’s active and that you enjoy doing it.” 

While the above exercises are great ways to maintain your mental health and keep you feeling positive, if you are finding things difficult and feel like you need mental health support from a medical professional, there are services available to you.

Visit Mind's website to find out more about support services and next steps.  

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Tags: Misc > Mindset