50 Plyo Box Exercises
50 Plyo Box Exercises
If you’re looking for a versatile piece of equipment, then the Plyo Box is one of the best you can get. It is a piece of gym equipment used to perform plyometric exercises - a type of training that is focused on improving speed, explosiveness, and overall athletic ability.
What Benefits do Plyo Boxes Provide?
Alongside the benefits mentioned above, many Plyo Boxes exercises are performed with one leg at a time, so they also do a great job at improving your balance and coordination.
They are great at providing a functional workout, with many plyometric exercises being similar to day-to-day movements. By using a Plyo Box you can strengthen the muscles, tendons, and ligaments used in these movements, helping to decrease the risk of injury. Football and rugby players can use them to improve speed and explosive power from the lower body, while physical therapists use them for rehabilitation exercises.
Plus, they also make a handy platform for many standard weightlifting exercises such as Bulgarian split squats and hip thrusts.
What Should I Consider Before Buying a Plyo Box?
There are several different types of Plyo Box, so it’s important to decide which type best suits your needs.
If you’re a beginner it might be a good idea to go for a padded Gym Jumping Box, which provides a softer landing due to the foam surface, as well as multiple different height options by placing the box on a different side.
On the other hand, more advanced athletes would benefit from using stackable Plyo Boxes. The ability to safely stack them as tall as you want makes them perfect for people who have outgrown the standard height boxes, and need to go higher on exercises like Box Jumps.
Why Are Plyo Boxes Great for Garage Gyms?
When it comes to home gym equipment, versatility is key. Most of us are working with spaces barely big enough to hold a car - my own home gym is a 12ftx10ft log cabin in my back garden.
As a result, we need our equipment to do as many things as possible while taking up minimal space, and Plyo Boxes do just that.
There are dozens of exercises available, as you’ll see in the list below and attached video, and their relatively small size means they can be tucked away when not in use.
50 Plyo Jump Box Exercises
Here is a list of 50 different Plyo Box exercises to get you started. Be sure to check out the included video demonstrating how to properly perform each exercise.
• Box jumps
• Step ups
• Step downs
• Box squats
• Incline push ups
• Decline push ups
• Eccentric single-leg squats
• Bulgarian split squats
• Burpee box jumps
• Concentration curls
• Box dips
• Pike push ups
• Box jump overs
• Lateral box jumps
• Lateral up-and-overs
• Single leg box jumps
• Depth jump to vertical jump
• Depth jump to broad jump
• Depth jump to sprint
• Pistol squats
• Glute bridges
• Lateral jumps over box
• Weighted box jumps
• Split squat box jumps
• Elevated side lunges
• Twisting box jumps (90 degrees)
• Mountain climbers
• Plank toe touches
• Tabletop crunches
• Dumbbell pullovers
• Plyo push ups
• Lateral single leg box jumps
• Hip drops
• Bench press
• Depth drop box jumps
• Single leg drop landing
• Landing control and hop
• Jumping marches
• Kneeling box jumps
• Seated wrist curls
• Seated overhead triceps extensions
• Floating archer rows
• Single arm dumbbell rows
• Single leg Romanian deadlifts
• Rest weights at a higher level between sets (to avoid bending to the floor)
• Chest supported rows
• Seated leg extensions (with dumbbell)
• Tib raises
• Negative pull ups
• Somewhere to sit between sets
Now that you’ve got everything you need to pick the perfect Plyo Box, along with more than enough exercises to get you started, you’re ready to make the most of this versatile piece of home gym equipment.
Whether you’re looking to boost your strength, improve conditioning, or just add some variety to your routine, adding in just a few of these plyometric exercises will make a big difference. Start adding these exercises, and you’ll be well on your way to reaching your fitness goals. Set yourself up for success by also investing in some Rubber Flooring for Home Gym.
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Tags: Equipment > Plyo Jump Box ; Exercise Type > Conditioning ; Misc > Mirafit Ambassadors