Weightlifting Belts
A weightlifting belt is a wrap worn around your waist to support your spine and core during heavy lifts. They do so by decreasing the level of stress placed on the lower back when performing full body movements.
Weightlifting and Powerlifting belts
A belt compresses the abdominal area and increases intra-abdominal pressure. This is the pressure inside your abdomen. As pressure increases, the pressure in the abdominal cavity pushes on the spine and supports it internally, whilst your core muscles support it externally. In turn it supports your spine by taking some pressure off the lower back muscles when performing heavy lifts.
Primarily, weightlifting belts are used for powerlifting and Olympic lifting activities, so you may also see the terms, ‘Deadlift belt’ and ‘Powerlifting belt’. However, they can also be used for recreational purposes. You should only use the belt when performing compound movements that require maximal effort, such as:
- Squats
- Deadlifts
- Snatch
- Clean & Jerk
What does a weightlifting belt do?
A belt helps to stabilise your core during heavy movements, but it also reduces the chances of hyperextension in overhead lifts such as a snatch and jerk. When you lift a heavy weight overhead, there is a chance that your lower back will overextend and increase the chances of injury and lower back pain. When using a belt, your core will remain stable and rigid and your lower back will not be able to move into hyperextension.
There are other uses for a weightlifting belt too. If you use a belt with a chain, you can attach plates to the belt and add load to bodyweight movements such as pull ups, chin ups and dips.
When to use a weightlifting belt
The first thing to highlight is that you don’t need to wear a weightlifting belt for every gym session. It is a very specific piece of equipment that is designed to be worn when performing heavy lifts. You only need to use it when performing lifts such as the ones mentioned above. A weightlifting belt isn’t going to help you do bicep curls.
In terms of weight, you only need to start wearing a belt when you’re lifting over 70% of your 1 repetition max. When the weight is this heavy, it can be useful to use the belt to stabilise your core and take some pressure off your lower back.
That being said, before using a weightlifting belt you should already have good form and be familiar with bracing your core when performing these lifts.
Are weightlifting belts necessary? Yes and no. They aren’t necessary for all of your training sessions. However, they can be extremely useful when you’re placing a heavy load on the bar and will allow you to lift more without your spine taking the brunt of the force.
For more information on Heavy lifting, check out these blogs:
What is powerlifting?
What is Olympic Weightlifting?
Learn to deadlift with Britain’s Strongest Man, Terry Hollands