Weighted Vests
If you want to add extra intensity to your workout, you can look at adding pounds of weight to your body with a tactical vest.
These vests provide added weight and can help with strength and endurance training. They can also cause your workout to burn more calories so are a great training tool to assist with weight loss.
Tactical weight vests and weighted vests for running
Our adjustable weighted vests come in three sizes. The smallest model takes up to 10kg, the middle option is a 20kg weighted vest and the heaviest comes in at 30kg. All these adjustable vests are sold as one size fits all.
The network of pockets on the adjustable weight vest helps to distribute the weight, allowing you to work harder without the vest affecting your balance. The removable weights can be taken out to lessen the load, or gradually increase as you progress with your training.
When using a weight vest, you can use the adjustable strap to ensure it is a snug fit. This means it will be less likely to move around whilst you are working out.
Tactical weight vests have a low profile and are less bulky. This makes them better suited to dynamic exercises and they are popular in conditioning classes. When using these weighted vests for running, the slim plate design makes weight distribution more comfortable. They are also ideal for wearing whilst performing exercises such as pull ups or push ups to add extra weight.
For more information on weighted vests, check out these blog articlesWeight vest workout for fat burning
Weighted vest vs. tactical vest