Grip Training
If you want to maximise your ability to lift heavy weights then you need good grip, this is where grip training comes in. A strong grip is vital in the world of strength training and is central to being able to perform pull ups and deadlifts with ease. It is also important for more specialised athletes such as rock climbers.
Hand grippers for building grip strength
The key to strengthening fingers and hands is to work all aspects of grip. Our grip trainers are designed to work both crush grip and pinch grip. Building up the muscles in the hands and wrists and making sure you have a good range of motion can help you lift heavier barbells. Good grip strength can also help improve lifting technique.
Training tools to improve your grip
As well as traditional spring-based grip strengtheners, we also supply rubber bands that are used to increase finger strength. These can be placed around the fingers and provide resistance against opening your hand out, thereby building muscle. They come in a variety of resistances, enabling you to observe your progress as you improve your grip strength.