Pike with Mirafit Glute Ham Roller

The glutes and hamstrings are two of the most important posterior chain muscles. The glutes compromise three muscles with the primary function of extending and abducting the hips.

The hamstrings, also consisting of three muscles, cross both the hips and knees, resulting in the hamstrings flexing the knees, as well as extending the hips.

These posterior muscles are often some of the least trained muscles and are prone to underuse, especially due to sedentary lifestyles. A weakness in these groups of muscles can cause poor posture and lower back pain as well as making them susceptible to injury.

The Glute Ham Roller is an excellent training tool that can be used to target these muscle groups. The hamstring curl requires hip flexion to keep the glutes raised and knee flexion to move the roller. This equipment also requires eccentric control during the roll out movement which is a strong stimulus to increase the strength of the muscles.

Don’t think that you are only limited to training the glutes and hamstrings though. The Glute ham roller can be incorporated in a range of exercises to help strengthen the abs, shoulders, hip flexors, adductors and back muscles.

While eccentric loading is often enough resistance on its own, you can also increase the resistance by attaching resistance bands.

Top 10 Exercises Using a Glute Ham Glider

1 - Ab Rollout

roll out with Mirafit Glute Ham Roller

This exercise is used to target the abs, lower back, and shoulders.

• From a kneeling position, hold the glute ham glider with both hands, shoulder width apart.

• Brace the abs and slowly reach out above your head as far as you can go.

• Use your core to move back to the starting position.

2 - Pike Rollout

This advanced version of the roll out places a higher demand on the abs and hip flexors.

• Place both feet on the glute ham roller and your hands below your shoulders.

• Raise your glutes into the air by bracing your abs and pulling your feet towards your shoulder, keeping the legs straight.

3 - Single Arm Rollout With Push Up

This movement combines a push up with a flye movement. As a regression you can start on your knees.

• Hold the roller with one hand so the wheels are at 90 degrees to your torso.

• Get into a push up position with your hands just wider than your shoulders.

• As you lower yourself into a push up, roll the GHR to the side, keeping your arm straight.

• Perform a single arm push up and pull the roller back towards your chest with a straight arm.

4 - Hamstring Curl

Hamstring curl with Mirafit Glute Ham Roller

This is a great eccentric exercise to target knee flexion, hip extension, and core strength.

• In a lying position, place the heels of both feet onto the glute ham glider and position your heels close to your glutes.

• Brace your abs and push down into the heels to lift the glutes up.

• Holding this position, slide the glute hamstring glider away from your glutes without dropping your hips before pulling your feet back to your glutes.

5 - Single Leg Curl

Single leg curl with Mirafit Glute Ham Roller

Unilaterally train the hamstrings and glutes in this single leg version of hamstring curl.

• Lie on your back and place the heel of one leg on the Glute ham slider while the opposite leg is raised off the floor.

• Brace your abs and push down into the heel of the active leg to lift the glutes up.

• Keeping the core braced, use your leg to send the slider away, before pulling it back towards your glutes.

6 - Frog Leg Curl

This leg curl version places a greater demand on the lateral aspects of the glutes.

• Lie on your back, your heels on the glute hamstring roller and your feet close to your glutes.

• Open your knees to the side. Push up through the heels to raise the glutes.

• Slide the roller away from you, keeping your core tight before pulling it back to the starting position.

7 - Body Saw

This exercise targets the abs, shoulders, calves and core.

• Place both feet in the v platform of the Hamstring roller and position yourself in a plank position with your elbows under you shoulders.

• Keeping a neutral spine push yourself forwards and backwards, sliding the roller up and down.

8 - Reverse Lunge

lunge with Mirafit Glute Ham Roller

All the benefits of a reverse lunge along with the benefit of training the hip flexors.

• Position the toes of one foot in the v of the platform.

• Slide your foot backwards until the thigh of your front foot is parallel to the floor.

• Return to the upright position by driving through the heel of the front foot and pulling the back leg forwards.

9 - Lateral Lunge

Get the adductors working in this lunge variation.

• Place one foot on the centre gliding platform so the platform and the foot are parallel.

• Keeping this leg straight, slide it sideways while the opposite leg bends.

• Drive through the heel of the bent leg and slide the glider back to under your hips.

10 - Alligator Walk

Alligator walk with Mirafit Glute Ham Roller

Strengthen the abs and shoulders in this dynamic core exercise.

• Place the toes of both feet on the glute hamstring slider.

• Position your hands directly below your shoulders and keep your spine neutral.

• Move forward by placing one hand in front of the other.

The glute hamstring slider can strengthen the glutes and hamstrings to help prevent injuries and postural issues. The eccentric loading can also help improve lifts such as your deadlift. Contrary to the name, the GHR can be used in a wide range of exercises, so why not give one a go?

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