Man gripping a pair of Mirafit Wooden Gymnastic Rings

What is Calisthenics?

You’ve seen videos online of people doing flips, pull ups on Rings and the ever famous ‘human flag’ pose? Well, that’s all calisthenics. In fact, you’ve probably done some calisthenics training yourself and you maybe haven’t even realised.

The word ‘calisthenics’ originates from the words ‘beauty’ and ‘strength’ in ancient greek. The fundamentals of the sport are using your bodyweight and gravity to build strength. It has a lot of resemblance to gymnastics, except calisthenics is a lot less rigid and is often practised outdoors.

Still think you’ve never done calisthenics before? Well, if you’ve ever done a push-up, a squat or a plank then you most definitely have. It’s all about building the foundations of movement before you begin with the more advanced exercises.

How to Get Into Calisthenics

Man performing a hand stand on Mirafit Mini Parallettes

Fortunately, with social media calisthenics training is becoming increasingly popular. Videos of gymnastics style ring workouts and several variations of handstands are all across Instagram and YouTube are inspiring everyday people to give it a go. As a result, it means that calisthenics training is easier than ever for people to access.

Get a coach

If you’ve tried out some calisthenics training and you’re getting serious, then it might be time to find a calisthenics coach. Although there is a lot of free content online, a coach can give you a personalised programme that will be tailored to your goals. Along with this, with a professional, you can be sure that you have good form and are executing the exercises properly.

Watch Videos

Whether you’re on a budget, or you want to trial calisthenics before committing to a coach or buying equipment you can begin by watching free videos online. There are hundreds of courses on YouTube run by calisthenics coaches that offer an introduction to training.

Join a Class

As calisthenics has become more popular, gyms are adding it to the list of classes on their timetable. Or if not offered at commercial gyms, several smaller gyms such as martial arts gyms often offer calisthenics style classes too. This is a fantastic way to ensure that you have your technique checked by a professional.

Benefits of Calisthenics

Mirafit Fitness Specialist Measuring Width of Mirafit Dip Bars

One of the most obvious reasons for starting calisthenics training (apart from looking really cool) is how adaptable it is. With this style of training you can pretty much train anywhere with minimal equipment. However, there are several other benefits that could help you with your training.

• You don't need any equipment

• Minimal space is required

• It is suitable for all levels

• It is suitable for all demographics

• It improves strength and mobility

10 Beginner Calisthenics Movements

1 - Push Up

Man using a pair of Mirafit mini parallettes to perform a push up

Begin in a high plank position with your arms under your shoulders and feet together. Keep your elbows close to your body and core braced. Bend your elbows and lower down towards the floor, keeping your body in a straight line. Once you are close to the floor, push back up.

Regression - Keep your knees on the ground and lower your chest to the floor. To reduce the amount of strain you place on your shoulders, you can also use Push Up Handles which can help improve technique during a push up. 

Progression - Reduce the tempo. Slow down the time it takes for you to lower to the floor.

2 - Ring Hold

The supportive ring hold is the foundation of any ring exercise as it helps to build foundational core strength for other calisthenics movements. Make sure the rings are higher than the level of your hands by the side of your body. Hold onto the rings, brace your core and lift yourself up so that you’re in a vertical line hovering off the floor. Hold the position, point your toes and keep them slightly in front of your hips.

Regression - Begin by holding as long as you can, even if it is only a few seconds and build up this way. You can also lower the ring so that you can keep one foot on the ground to start with.

Progression - The stronger you get the longer you can hold this position. You can also try turning the rings out so that your thumbs are facing out to the sides and your shoulders are externally rotated.

3 - Dip

Fitness expert performing a dip with a pair of Mirafit gymnastic rings in a power cage

You will need to use Parallettes for this exercise. Hold onto each bar, lift yourself up, bend your knees and cross your feet over. Keep pointing your elbows behind and bend them until the top of your arms are parallel with the floor. Push back up to the start position.

Regression - Wrap a resistance band around the bar and place your knees in it to support you. Or practice tricep dips by performing the exercise placing your hands behind you on a Plyo Jump Box.

Progression - Hold a weight between your legs to increase the weight.

4 - Lunge

Start standing and step one foot forward into a lunge position, dropping the back knee towards the floor. Keep your torso upright and your front knee above your ankle. Step back into a standing position and repeat.

Regression - Use a wall or a pole to balance against with one hand.

Progression - Try an elevated reverse lunge and step back off an elevated surface. Make sure that your back knee goes below the elevation.

5 - Inverted Row

Man performing an inverted row using a pair of Mirafit wooden gymnastic rings

You will need a Dip Bar for this exercise. Lie under the bar and hold it with an underhand grip. Extend your legs out in-front of you so that your body is diagonal and your shoulders are under the bar. Pull your chest up towards the bar, hold for a moment and then lower back down in a controlled manner.

Regression - Bend your knees and bring your body to a tabletop position.

6 - Plank

Begin with your wrists under your shoulders and your feet together in a full plank position. Brace your core and keep your body in a straight line. Keep pushing your body away from the floor and keep breathing.

Regression - Drop down onto your knees and continue the exercise in the same way.

Progression - There are several different ways that you can progress a plank. One way is by adding an arm reach. Hold the plank position and raise one arm in front of the body as if you are trying to reach something in front of your head. Place your hand back down and repeat on the other side. Keep your core strong and refrain from rocking side to side.

7 - Pistol Squat

Man doing a Pistol Squat

Place your weight on one leg and stick the other leg forward with your foot off the floor. Squat down on one leg as low as you can, keeping the other leg out in-front. Once you get as low as you can, keep your chest up and pause, then rise to stand.

Regression - Pistol squat onto a bench as a support.

8 - Pull Up

Use a Pull Up Bar for this exercise. Either an underhand or overhand grip to hold onto the bar, brace your core and keep your body in a straight line. Pull yourself up towards the bar until your chin is in line with the bar, pulling from your back. Once you have reached the top, lower back down.

Regression - Use a resistance band around the bar and place your feet into it.

Progression - Use a wide overhand grip to make the exercise more challenging.

9 - Leg Raises

Man performing a tucked leg raise with Mirafit wooden gymnastic rings

Lie on your back with your hands under your bum and lift your legs up above your hips. Brace your core and lower your legs down towards the floor. Go as low as you can and then lift your legs back up, then repeat.

Regression - If your back begins to arch as you lower your legs, bring your legs back up. Only lower your legs down halfway or less.

Progression - Hanging leg raises. Hold onto a pull up bar and lift your legs up to hip height without your body swinging.

10 - Wall Sit

Place your back against a wall and sink down to a sitting position. Your thighs should be parallel with the floor and your feet hip width apart. Keep your back pressed against the wall and hold.

Want an in-depth calisthenics guide? Check out our post on how to do an l sit. Want to get stronger? Find out the answer to the question: Can 5kg dumbbells build muscle?

Written by guest author Eryn Barber.

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