Good morning using Mirafit Barbell

Back pain, and lower back pain in particular, is very common. Chances are you’ve yourself walked (or wobbled) away from a workout with a sore back. Your lower back is an incredibly important part of your autonomy and not just when it comes to exercise but also when we’re talking about day-to-day activities.

Whether you're a seasoned gym-goer or just stepping into the world of fitness for the first time, this blog is your guide to achieving a robust and healthy lower back. Let's get started!

What is the Lower Back?

Kettlebell swing with a Mirafit Cast Iron Kettlebell

Your lower back isn't just any old collection of muscles and bones. It is responsible for the connection between your upper body and your pelvis. It’s a crucial junction that facilitates a wide range of movements.


• The erector spinae, running parallel to your spine, is responsible for spinal extension.

• The quadratus lumborum, located on each side, plays a vital role in lateral flexion and stabilisation.

• The deep multifidus muscles are the often-unsung heroes that contribute to spinal stability and control.


• The lumbar vertebrae (L1-L5) are quite literally the back bones of your body. They provide structure, support and flexibility.


• Tendons are the connections between muscles and bones. They ensure the smooth transmission of force during movements. In the lower back, you’ll find various tendons that are integral to maintaining posture and enabling controlled motion. These tendons are primarily associated with your erector spinae.


• Ligaments connect bones to bones. In your lower back, ligaments play a key role in supporting the lumbar vertebrae and keeping everything in place.

Having a basic understanding of the connections and interdependencies of these muscles, bones, tendons and ligaments is important when you’re trying to strengthen your lower back.

What Causes Lower Back Pain?

Deadlift with Mirafit Hex Dumbbells

Like we said before, lower back pain is quite common. It can have many causes, and it’s not always obvious exactly what is to blame for your back pain. We’ve listed some common culprits of back pain below.

Muscle strain - Lifting heavy weights or using improper form can strain the muscles in your lower back.

Disc issues - Herniated discs, often aggravated by improper lifting technique, can lead to lower back pain.

Muscle imbalances - Weak core muscles or an imbalance between abdominal and lower back muscles can contribute to back pain.

Poor posture - Incorrect form during exercises, especially those targeting the back, can cause discomfort.

Proper warm-ups, correct technique, and a balanced routine can prevent and even relieve lower back pain. If you have a painful back, the general advice is to avoid sitting down for prolonged periods of time and to keep moving.

Lower Back Prehab

Proactive and preventive prehab exercises are essential for a solid and injury-resistant lower back. Prehab targets any muscle imbalances, boosts stability and improves overall spinal health. It’s all about laying the groundwork for effective and sustainable strength and conditioning training with a lower risk of injury.

Think of prehab as a long-term investment. Instead of rehabbing your body after injury, prehab your body so it doesn’t get injured in the first place.

5 Lower Back Exercises

Superman Pike with Mirafit Core Exercise Sliders

Good Mornings

• Stand tall with a barbell on your upper back.

• Hinge at the hips, keeping your knees slightly bent, and lower your torso forward. Keep your spine straight the whole time.

• Squeeze your glutes and engage your lower back to return to the starting position.

Romanian Deadlifts

• Start with a Dumbbell in each hand and position your feet hip-width apart.

• Hinge at the hips, keeping a slight knee bend, and lower the dumbbells along your shins.

• Keeping your spine straight, return to the starting position.

Kettlebell Swings

• Assume a wider-than-shoulder-width stance and grab your kettlebell with both hands.

• Hinge at the hips and swing the kettlebell between your legs.

• Thrust your hips forward, using that lower back power, to swing the kettlebell to eye-hight (American swing) or above your head (Russian swing).

Core Slider Superman Pikes

• Start in a high-plank position with Core Exercise Sliders under each foot.

• ‘Pull’ your feet towards your hands, driving your hips towards the ceiling, to create that pike shape.

• Slowly slide back to your starting position. Control is everything in this exercise.


• Start with a hip-width stance.

• Hinge at the hip and bend your knees until you can grab hold of your barbell.

• While engaging your core, lift the barbell of the floor and stand tall.

• Lower with control.

If your goal is to strengthen your back muscles, form and gradual progression is crucial in all these exercises. Start with an empty bar, light dumbbells and a reduced range of motion. Once you feel comfortable with the basics, you can gradually add more weight.

Getting a strong lower back isn’t always about lifting the heaviest weights. It’s about performing each exercise with care and precision so that you target the right muscles with the right stimulus. This way, you allow your lower back to become the strong, resilient foundation it’s meant to be!

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Tags: Exercise Type > Strength