Strength Overhead Press with a Mirafit M3 7ft 20kg Olympic Barbell

Typically, we associate strength training with Strongman competitors or bodybuilders taking their bodies to breaking point in the gym. But in reality, strength training is for everyone. You might not realise it, but many of the exercises you perform in the gym can have a positive impact from day to day, no matter who you are.

Strength training is also known as resistance training. It’s a type of exercise designed to improve muscular strength and performance. There are a variety of strength training techniques, some of the most popular include -

• Powerlifting

• Olympic lifting

• Bodybuilding

• Calisthenics

• Plyometrics

• Circuit training

Types of Strength Training

One of the best things about strength training is that it’s accessible to all. Regardless of your age or ability, there is a training style to suit every level and goal. Even if you don’t enjoy one style of training, there are others that you can try out. In general, strength training can be divided into four categories -


Kettlebell Swing using a Mirafit Soft Touch Kettlebell

This is a combination of strength and speed. To build muscular power you need to incorporate explosive movements into your training that increase the number and size of fast twitch muscle fibres used in your muscles. Olympic Weightlifting and plyometrics are two methods of training that improve muscular power. Because of the intensity of power training, it is usually performed at low repetitions of 1-3.


If you want to improve your maximal strength then you want to be training for muscular strength. This is another style that uses fast twitch muscle fibres and usually includes a repetition range of 3-5. When building strength, you want to incorporate compound lifts into your training as it uses your biggest muscle groups to lift heavier weights. Powerlifting is a popular method of improving strength.


Bent Over Row with Mirafit 20kg Bumper Plates

This is the most common method of strength training amongst many gym goers. Hypertrophy is the technique of increasing muscular strength and size and helps to create a ‘toned’ look that many people strive for. When carrying out hypertrophy training, often you’re trying to build muscle whilst simultaneously losing fat which is also known as body recomposition. Hypertrophy is the most common training style with bodybuilders and is practised with a repetition range of 8-12.


Push Up wearing a Mirafit Trucker Cap

Where the other methods increase fast twitch muscle fibres, muscular endurance improves the efficiency of slow twitch fibres. It’s this style of training that helps your muscles carry on for longer periods of time and consists of a repetition range of 15+. Circuit and bodyweight training usually incorporates muscular endurance when the weight lifted isn’t as heavy but performed for longer. 

No matter which method of strength training you choose, they each have their own unique benefits. The one that will be most beneficial for you is the one that is in-line with your training goals.

Strength Training Benefits

Whether you’re an amateur athlete looking to improve your sports performance, or someone that wants to improve their health on a day-to-day basis. These are just some of the ways strength training can aid living -

Improves Running Performance

If you’re a sprinter, you need explosive power to drive forwards as fast as possible. This is why athletes that have to sprint in their sport perform Olympic lifts and plyometrics to improve their power output. From an endurance running perspective, incorporating strength training will build lower body strength and reduce any muscular imbalance that may cause injury at a later stage.

Burns Fat

This may conflict popular belief, but if you’re looking to burn fat then strength training is more beneficial than cardio. Strength training speeds up your metabolism for up to 48 hours after training, so you burn calories quicker than usual.

If you’re new to weight training, then it’s even better. Body recomposition is when you burn fat and build muscle simultaneously. As a beginner, you’re more susceptible to muscle growth than an intermediate or advanced lifter and therefore you will see your body change in a much quicker time frame. Although your weight might not change much as you replace fat with muscle, there will be a clear difference in your body shape as muscle growth occurs.

Improves Functional Fitness

Deadlift with Mirafit M3 7ft 20kg Olympic Barbell

Deadlifting a heavy weight is cool, but it’s even cooler when this translates to everyday life.

Heavy strength training can benefit us all. Think about the times in the day when you have to lift things, whether that’s picking a baby up from the floor or lifting a box overhead to place it on top of a cupboard. These are both everyday life situations that most of us will experience at some point. Your training in the gym will prepare you for the rest of life.

Lowers Injury Risk

Contrary to what some people think, strength training can decrease your risk of injury, not increase it. Of course, if you train with incorrect form and lift beyond your capacity, then you are increasing your risk. But sensible training can decrease muscular imbalance and strengthen the joints and the muscles. This makes them more robust and prepared for high impact force that might occur in day to day living or other sports.

Decreases Risk of Osteoporosis

Unfortunately, after the age of 30, muscle mass decreases by 3-8% every decade, this is known as sarcopenia. As we become more fragile in older age, when we fall there is an increased risk of fractures and injury which can be fatal. Strength training not only increases muscle mass which protects the bones, but it also increases bone density.

This is why it’s so important to continue to strength train with age. As someone with an increased risk of injury and osteoporosis due to declining bone health, strength training can slow down the rate of sarcopenia and reduce the risk of injury when falling.

Improves Mobility

Dumbbell Squats using Mirafit 15kg Dumbbells

Mobility is a combination of strength and flexibility. It’s the ability to actively move the joint through a full range of motion and is essential if you want to move well in everyday life, as well as in the gym.

When you practise strength training, as long as you are moving with good form, you are allowing the muscles to lengthen and shorten, taking them through their range of motion. For example, if you’re performing barbell or dumbbell squats in the gym, you’ll find it easier when squatting down in daily life as you’ve been mobilising the joints.

Improves Mental Health

As well as improving your physical health, strength training can have a positive effect on your mental health too. When you exercise, endorphins are released; a hormone that makes you feel good. You’ll know exactly what I mean if you’ve walked into the gym feeling tired and walked out with a spring in your step (unless it was leg day).

Exercise makes you feel good because it’s considered a form of self-care. Although sometimes it can be difficult, doing something to improve your health can have a positive effect on your mental wellbeing.

Increases Cardiovascular Health

This might come as a surprise, but you don’t need to do long runs or smash cardio machines in the gym for 60 minutes to improve your cardiovascular fitness. You can do it with strength training.

Certain forms of resistance training such as circuits require you to perform exercises at a high intensity. This in turn will increase your heart rate and get your lungs working. Engaging in exercise at a high repetition range with bodyweight/light weights is a great way to improve cardiovascular health in a short space of time.

Gains Strength and Muscle Mass

It might seem obvious, but it’s still important. Strength training will increase muscular strength and size which can be beneficial for most people. Having a resilient body will make daily activities easier. And there is also an aesthetic advantage to strength training. Lifting weights will make you feel more confident in your own skin as you get stronger and develop more muscle. Self-confidence is key to improving your relationship with yourself. 

Targets Sports Specific Goals

Strength and conditioning is a big part of most athlete’s training because it’s incredibly important for sports performance, and this isn’t just for weights-based sports.

Sure, Strongman competitors and Olympic lifters need to work on their strength, but so do rugby players, footballers and swimmers. Having a base level of strength will prepare you for a range of sports so that your body is ready to undertake increased stress when performing the task. Whether you’re a pro or a recreational athlete, strength is important.

Builds a Community

Physical benefits aside, joining a class or group training is a social aspect of strength training that will work wonders for your overall well-being. Humans are social creatures and thrive in environments where we’re around like-minded individuals. Being part of a community focused around improving their lifestyle will help spur you on and keep you accountable in your own fitness journey.

This doesn’t even scratch the surface when it comes to the list of benefits of strength training. If we covered them all then we’d need a few more pages and a lot more of your time. The bottom line is that strength training can be beneficial for people from all walks of life. Whether you want to do bodyweight workouts in your front room, or you’ve got a converted garage dedicated to heavy lifting, you’ll be maximising your body’s potential.

Written by guest author Eryn Barber.

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Tags: Exercise Type > Strength