Woman deadlifting with a pair of 20kg dumbbells

No matter what your training goal, compound lifts are an essential part of any workout programme. Total body movements allow our bodies to build strength in a way that other exercises won’t do.

That being said, due to the circumstances of the last 18 months, many of us have struggled to train in our usual environment. We have had to train at home with minimal equipment. However, that doesn’t mean your training should be compromised. If you’ve got a set of dumbbells you can still perform compound movements that increase overall strength, power and improve your functional fitness.

Benefit of performing compound lifts with dumbbells

Woman sitting on a Mirafit weight bench while holding a Mirafit 12.5kg dumbbell in her hand

If you’re limited with equipment or space, whether that’s at home or in the gym, it’s still possible to create a great workout with dumbbells. In-fact, performing compound lifts with dumbbells does have some advantages over using a barbell

Unilateral work

You might have realised that one side of your body is stronger than the other. This isn’t uncommon as many of us favour one side for most activities. This is usually fine until it becomes exaggerated and can lead to muscle imbalance. If this happens we are more prone to injury and unable to perform as well when lifting and in day to day activities. When you use dumbbells, you are forced to stop compensating on one side and start working on building up muscle on both sides. You can even focus on unilateral training and build strength and technique on each side.

Wider range of weights

When working with a barbell, you are limited to the lowest weight being the weight of the bar. If you are new to weight training, or want to focus on technique, this minimum might still be too much. With dumbbells you have the advantage of being able to work with smaller weights. You also have the opportunity to up the weight quickly and easily if you use Adjustable Dumbbells.

How to perform compound lifts with dumbbells

Regardless of whether you’re using a barbell or dumbbells, the most important thing when performing compound lifts is that you have correct technique.  This is so that you reduce the chances of injury and get the most out of the exercise.

Goblet squats

Woman performing a goblet squat with a Mirafit dumbbell

• Hold the dumbbell in front of the body at chest height, place your feet hip width apart with your toes turned out slightly.

• Brace your core, screw your feet into the floor, squat and bend at the hips, knees and ankles at the same time until your thighs are at least parallel with the floor.

• Keep the chest lifted and spine neutral, then drive through the heels as you rise to stand.

Accessory exercises

• Lunges

• Split squats

• Step ups

• Pause squats

Dumbbell deadlift

Woman performing a deadlift with a pair of Mirafit 20kg dumbbells

• Begin by bending the knees, ankles and hips. Hold the dumbbells in front of the body, keep the shins perpendicular with the floor, sit back into the hips and have your chest up.

• Screw your feet into the floor, brace your core and keep a neutral spine. You want to keep your shoulders relaxed and not rolled forward.

• Take a breath in and as you exhale drive your feet into the floor, triple extend the ankles, knees and hips and come into a standing position. Keep your spine neutral and squeeze your glutes.

• Lower back down to the starting position by keeping the dumbbells in a straight line close to the body. Bend the hips, knees and ankles at the same time until the dumbbells return to the beginning. Keep your neck in line with your spine.

Accessory exercises

• Bent over row

• Hip thrusts

• Pause deadlifts

• Romanian deadlifts

Dumbbell bench press

Woman performing a dumbbell bench press with Mirafit 12.5kg dumbbells

• You can perform the bench press from either a bench or on the floor.

• Begin by holding the dumbbells in a horizontal position above the chest. From here, externally rotate the shoulders by turning the thumbs closer to the face and the little fingers towards the legs so the dumbbells are in a slight diagonal position.

• Lock the shoulder blades in place by squeezing the shoulder blades together, slightly arching the top of the spine.

• Brace your core and as you inhale lower the weights down to the sides of the chest. Bring the elbows down to shoulder height, as you exhale, push the dumbbells back to the starting position.

Accessory exercises

• Close grip bench press

• Chest flyes

• Overhead press

• Tricep dropdown

In-order to master the technique of compound lifts with dumbbells, implement accessory lifts into your training. These are smaller movements that work on smaller muscle groups. Building a programme with these movements will help you to create the ideal workouts using your Dumbbells for strength and improved functional fitness.

Want to utilise your dumbbells long term? Check out our guide to using adjustable dumbbells for muscle growth.

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Tags: Equipment > Dumbbells ; Exercise Type > Strength