Dumbbell Row with Mirafit Urethane Dumbbells

The dumbbell row is an upper body resistance exercise that works the muscles in your posterior chain. Specifically, it targets the latissimus dorsi, rhomboids, traps, posterior deltoids and biceps. The movement consists of pulling the weight towards your body whilst you’re in a hinge position.

Strengthening your back muscles will not only improve your upper body strength, but also build good foundations for other exercises such as pull ups and deadlifts.

Dumbbell Row Step-by-Step Guide

• Begin by holding a Dumbbell in each hand by the sides of your body using an overhand grip.

• Next, create a small bend in your knees and hinge at the hips so that you’re leaning forwards. Your chest should be directed towards the floor and hips pushed back.

• Maintain a neutral spine and keep your neck in line with your back. This will reduce any unnecessary pressure on your lower spine.

• Take a breath in and as you exhale, bend your elbows, and pull the dumbbells towards your hips in a rowing motion.

• Once you reach the top of the movement, engage your back muscles by squeezing your shoulder blades together. Your shoulders should retract as you pull the weight towards your body and protract as you extend your arms towards the floor.

Regression - If you find this movement challenging, you can support your body using an Adjustable Weight Bench to perform a bench assisted dumbbell row. The movement is exactly the same, except you’re lying down on your front on an incline bench. This supports your body and removes the potential of your lower back taking the brunt of the load.

Progression - To make this exercise more difficult, as well as increasing the weight, you can use a Barbell instead. Instead of holding the dumbbells either side of your body, hold the barbell in front of your legs and pull the weight towards your hip crease.

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Tags: Equipment > Dumbbells ; Exercise Type > Strength