Jefferson Deadlift with a Mirafit Barbell

The Jefferson Deadlift (aka the straddle deadlift, straddle lift or Jefferson lift) is a compound exercise that targets multiple muscle groups and involves lifting the barbell between your legs.

What is the Difference Between a Jefferson Deadlift and a Jefferson Squat?

By straddling the Barbell, with one foot in front of the bar, and one foot behind, the body is working contralaterally. This means it challenges your stability, balance, and muscle coordination.

The Jefferson squat is similar, but you don’t let the bar touch the ground between reps. It primarily targets your quadriceps, glutes, and adductor muscles.

How To Perform a Jefferson Deadlift?

• Stand next to the barbell so that it runs between your legs. Your feet should be wider than shoulder-width apart, with one foot in front and one behind the bar.

• Choose either a mixed grip (one palm facing forward, one facing backward) or a double overhand grip.

• Keep your back straight, chest up, and core engaged as you lift the barbell by extending your hips and knees simultaneously.

• Lower the barbell back to the ground in a controlled manner, maintaining proper form throughout.

Jefferson Deadlift Benefits

Jefferson Deadlift with Mirafit Weight Plates

Muscle Engagement

The Jefferson deadlift is a powerhouse exercise that engages lots of muscle groups, such as the hamstrings, glutes, lower back, quadriceps, and core muscles.

This means it activates major muscle groups, and stimulates smaller stabilising muscles, promoting a balanced development across the body's kinetic chain.

Functional Strength

The Jefferson deadlift improves functional strength and enhanced stability. Strengthening these muscles translates to increased performance in everyday activities, such as lifting objects, maintaining proper posture, and even excelling in various sports where agility, stability, and strength are pivotal.


The Jefferson deadlift can prevent workout monotony, and it allow you to break through plateaus by targeting muscles from new angles.

Incorporating the Jefferson deadlift into your workouts can be particularly great for overcoming muscle imbalances and diversifying training. It is a valuable addition to any workout program, so give it a go and vary up your gym sessions.

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Tags: Equipment > Bars and Weight Plates ; Exercise Type > Strength