Mirafit powerlifting vs weightlifting

Step into any gym and you’ll witness a wide range of training styles. Strongman, functional training, bodybuilding, powerlifting, and Olympic weightlifting have each claimed their corner of the fitness world. And while these training styles have many elements in common, they’re not all the same. In this blog we’ll unpack the differences and similarities between powerlifting and weightlifting: two true titans of strength training.

What is Powerlifting?

Squat with Mirafit Weight Bar

Powerlifting is the pursuit of pure, unadulterated strength and centres around three compound lifts -

Squat - A full-body movement challenging the lower body and core.

Bench Press - Emphasises upper body strength, targeting the chest, shoulders, and triceps.

Deadlift - Demands power from the hips and lower back, lifting the barbell from the ground to a standing position.

Powerlifters aim to achieve their one-repetition maximum (1RM) in these lifts, making them a test of sheer strength and technique.

What is Olympic Weightlifting?

Snatch with Mirafit Olympic Weight Plates

Olympic Weightlifting, on the other hand, is more dynamic and involves explosive movement. It revolves around two lifts -

Snatch - Lifting the barbell from the ground to overhead in one swift, continuous motion.

Clean and Jerk - Involves two distinct movements — the clean (lifting the barbell to the shoulders) and the jerk (lifting it overhead).

Key features of Olympic weightlifting include technical precision and full-body engagement when executing either lift. It's a sport that blends strength, speed, and skill, with athletes striving to lift heavy weights flawlessly.

We often refer to weightlifting as ‘Olympic’ weightlifting when talking about the snatch and clean and jerk. But the official name of the sport, as recognised by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF), is simply ‘weightlifting’. We’ve starting using the term ‘Olympic weightlifting’ to distinguish the sport from other strength training styles that include lifting weights.

What Equipment Do You Need for Powerlifting and Weightlifting?

Snatch with Mirafit barbell and plates

In the powerlifting arena, the essentials include a robust power rack, an Olympic barbell, high-density weight plates and a dedicated bench. You’ll often see powerlifters wear a lifting belt for lower back support and core engagement, and flat-soled shoes for extra stability.

Olympic weightlifting also demands some specialized gear. A weightlifting barbell, bumper plates for safer drops, barbell collars for security and a non-slip platform are must haves. Weightlifters often wear shoes with an elevated heel to help them hit a deep squat position without compromising stability.

How Can You Train For Weightlifting and Powerlifting?

Bench press with Mirafit Barbell and Plates

Training for powerlifting and weightlifting differs in focus and intensity. Powerlifters prioritize heavy, low-repetition lifts, emphasizing squats, bench presses, and deadlifts.

On the flip side, weightlifters concentrate on explosive, high-repetition movements to boost power and develop technique. Both benefit from compound lifts, but powerlifters chase absolute strength, while weightlifters prioritize speed and precision in dynamic lifts.

Due to the different nature of each training style, powerlifters and weightlifters who compete at the higher levels of the sport (and are seriously committed to their training) have certain differences in their respective physiques.


• Typically have a robust and stocky build.

• Have greater overall muscle mass.

• Possess a strong, solid midsection, a testament to the focus on heavy, compound lifts.

• Have a limited emphasis on explosive strength.


• Tend to have a more streamlined and agile physique.

• Have a balance between strength and explosiveness.

• Boast well-defined, powerful legs, reflecting the emphasis on explosive movements.

• Usually have a lower body fat percentage.

Is Powerlifting or Weightlifting Better?

Both powerlifting and weightlifting are great sports in their own rights, each having a variety of positives associated with them. As you will see, some of these will overlap while others are exclusive to one or the other.

Powerlifting Benefits

Maximal Strength Gains - Promotes significant increases in overall strength.

Simplicity - Appeals to those who enjoy a straightforward, results-driven approach.

Versatility - Builds a solid foundation of functional strength that is applicable to various activities.

Community - Thriving powerlifting communities offer support and friendship.

Measurable Progress - Clear metrics (one-repetition max) make tracking progress tangible.

Olympic Weightlifting Benefits

Explosive Power - Boosts maximum explosive strength for athletic performance.

Athleticism - Enhances overall athleticism, agility, and coordination.

Precision and Technique - Emphasises form and skill refinement.

Mental Focus - Develops discipline and concentration due to the complexity of lifts.

Olympic Tradition - Has a rich history and hosts high-profile competitions around the world.

In the end, it’s important to realise that despite their differences, one is not better than the other. Both sports attract their own ‘tribe’. If you don’t intend to specialise, you can simply enjoy both, or incorporate some elements from either training style into your gym programme.

The bar is set, the choice is yours. Lift on!

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Tags: Equipment > Bars and Weight Plates ; Exercise Type > Strength