Mirafit Stiff Leg Deadlift vs Romanian Deadlift

Deadlifts are one of the most popular exercises because let’s face it, they make you feel strong. Whether you’re training to become the next greatest Strongman, or you simply want to be stronger in day-to-day life, deadlifts should be a key component of your training.

But, doing the same thing over and over again can get a little tiresome, which is why including deadlift derivatives in your workouts is a good way to change things up and focus on specific muscle groups. Stiff leg and Romanian deadlifts are two exercises you can incorporate if you really want to focus on posterior chain strength and mobility but still include a deadlift variation into your workouts.

What is the difference between a stiff leg deadlift and an RDL?

Fundamentally the movements are very similar, both exercises are a lower body hinge movement. However, they do have some key differences, the first one being the starting position. The stiff leg deadlift begins with the barbell on the floor and the weight is returned to the floor after each repetition, the same as a conventional deadlift. Whereas with the Romanian deadlift, you start in a standing position and the weight never touches the floor.

Possibly the biggest difference between the two movements from a biomechanical perspective is the range of motion required. Because the weight doesn’t touch the floor and there is flexion at the knee joint during a Romanian deadlift, less range is required in the hamstrings and lower back. On the other hand, less knee flexion and greater depth requires more range in a stiff leg deadlift. What does this mean for you? If working on your flexibility is your primary goal then pick stiff leg deadlifts, if hamstring/glute strength and hypertrophy is your aim, favour Romanian deadlifts.

What is a Stiff Leg Deadlift?

Stiff leg deadlift using Mirafit Colour Splash Weight Plates.

The stiff leg deadlift, also known as a straight leg deadlift, is one of many deadlift variations, this one focuses on lower back strength and hamstring flexibility. Usually the exercise is performed with a Barbell, however, whilst building up the weight or focusing on technique, you can also use a Kettlebell. It is a great exercise for anyone looking to work on hamstring mobility. 

How to Perform a Stiff Leg Deadlift

• Begin with the barbell on the floor and in line with the arches of your feet.

• With your feet hips width apart, bend down to grip the bar either side of your shins.

• Keep a very small bend in your knees, refraining from locking them out.

• Engage your lats and keep your spine as flat as possible.

• Lift the bar up from the floor, keeping it in a straight line until you're standing.

• Once at the top, pause and return the barbell back to the floor.

What is a Romanian Deadlift?

Romanian deadlift using Mirafit colour splash bumper plates

The Romanian deadlift is a variation that focuses on hamstring, hip, and glute strength. You can use either a barbell, Dumbbells or a kettlebell to perform the movement. Because the weight never touches the floor, you’re increasing the time the muscles are under tension, making it a great exercise for muscular hypertrophy.

How to Perform a Romanian Deadlift

• Start standing, with your feet hips width apart and holding the barbell either side of your thighs.

• Draw the shoulder blades together and engage your lats. Keep a flat back throughout.

• Bend at the knees and keep them locked in this position as you hinge at your hips, lowering the bar down your thighs.

• Once the bar reaches between your knee and mid-shin, pause and then drive back up to the start position.

Both deadlift variations are key exercises for building posterior chain strength and hip strength. Which you choose depends on your training goals, range of motion and personal preference. However, there’s no reason why you can’t include both movements in your weekly training programme. Remember, with any lifting exercise, start light and focus on technique before adding load.

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Tags: Equipment > Bars and Weight Plates ; Exercise Type > Strength