Svend press using a Mirafit Bumper Plate

If someone mentions developing your pecs, chances are you’re picturing bodybuilders or powerlifters with sculpted chests repping out heavy bench presses. And although the muscles in your chest certainly play a part in creating a muscular appearance, they are also important from a functional point of view. This means all athletes would do well to incorporate some form of chest training into their routine.

What Are Your Pecs?

When we talk about training the pectoralis muscles, ‘pecs’ for short, we are referring to the muscles that are located front and centre in your chest. They can be split up into two parts: the pectoralis major and the pectoralis minor.

These muscles help to give your chest a strong and sculpted look. But aesthetics isn’t the only reason you should care about your pecs.

What Do Your Pecs Do?

Your pecs play an important role in a wide range of upper body movements. The primary functions of the pectoralis muscles include -

Horizontal Adduction - Your pecs help move your arms towards the centre of your body. You use this function during day-to-day activities like hugging or crossing your arms.

Arm Flexion - The pectoralis major helps play a key role in flexing your arm at the shoulder joint. For example, when you’re moving your arm forwards.

Stabilisation - Your pecs contribute to the stability of your shoulder joint during many forms of exercise such as swimming or swinging a tennis racket, and daily activities like carrying a plate or opening a heavy door.

Developing your chest muscles can improve the functional abilities mentioned above. A strong chest can also boost your performance in various sports and reduce your risk of injury.

Six Great Pec Exercises

1 - Chest Dips

Chest dips using Mirafit Dip Handle Attachment

This exercise engages both the pectoralis major and minor, particularly the lower portion. It requires stabilisation and engages your core and shoulder muscles.

• Stand between parallettes and grab each bar with your palms facing your body. Keeping your arms straight, transfer your weight from your feet to your upper body by lifting your feet off the floor.

• Lower your body by bending your elbows until they are parallel to the floor.

• Push yourself back into your starting position.

2 - Bench Press

Decline bench press on Mirafit M350 Adjustable Weight Bench

Each variation targets your chest muscles from a slightly different angle, ensuring your entire chest is getting a workout. The bench press also requires a considerable amount of core and shoulder engagement.

Flat Bench Press

• Lie on a flat bench, unrack your barbell and lower it to your chest.

• Push the bar back up to its starting position.

Incline Bench Press

• Adjust the bench to a 15-30-degree incline.

• Perform the same movement as for the flat bench press.

Decline Bench Press

• Set the bench to a decline angle. Your head should be the lower than your hips.

• Perform the same movement as for the flat bench press.

3 - Single Arm Chest Press

Single Arm Chest Press with Mirafit Hex Dumbbell

This exercise isolates each side and can be a great tool to address muscle imbalances. It requires more balance and control compared to a barbell press.

• Lie on a flat bench with a dumbbell in one hand. Hold the dumbbell next to your body at chest height.

• Press the dumbbell upwards until your arm is extended.

• Slowly return the dumbbell to the starting position.

4 - Resistance Band Pullover

This exercise provides constant tension throughout the movement. You can experiment with different strengths of bands to make this exercise more or less challenging. The band pullover targets the chest, lats and triceps simultaneously.

• Secure a resistance band around a stable surface. Lie down on your back, holding the band with both hands.

• Pull the band over your chest towards your hips.

• Slowly return to the starting position.

5 - Dumbbell Iron Cross

Dumbbell iron cross with Mirafit Hex Dumbbells

This exercise targets the outer part of your pecs and requires a lot of control and muscle engagement.

• Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, holding two dumbbells, arms out to the side.

• Bring the dumbbells in front of your chest, squatting as you do so.

• Reverse the squat as you extend your arms to the side.

6 - Svend Press

Mirafit Medicine Ball Svend Press

This exercise isolates the chest without using heavy weights. Make sure you use light weights when you first try this exercise. Once you feel more comfortable, you can slowly increase the weight.

• Hold a weight plate, dumbbell, or med ball in front of your chest.

• Press your hands together with force.

• Relax and shake out your arms before your next rep.

Including some of the above exercises can help you develop your pecs in a safe and controlled way. These exercises can help you achieve that sculpted look you may be after. However, it should be noted that building such muscle mass requires a considerable amount of hard work, tailored programming and time. Athletes who do not necessarily strive for huge pecs but want to develop these muscles for athletic or functional purposes should rest assured these exercises are perfectly suitable!

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Tags: Exercise Type > Strength