Barbell Climb using a Mirafit M3 Classic 20kg Olympic Barbell

If there is one piece of equipment that has withstood the test of time in the strength and conditioning world, it’s the Barbell. Maybe you’re wondering why this particular piece of equipment has outlived many a fitness fad. The reason is simple. Barbell workouts are versatile and effective. Whether you want to train upper body or legs, bulk up or tone, the barbell is your friend.

We’ve put together five barbell exercises for you to train your entire body. For this workout we’re combining strength and conditioning classics with some unconventional exercises to make full use of the potential of the barbell.

Zercher Squat

Zercher squat using a Mirafit Olympic Barbell

Targets - Quads, upper back, core, glutes

Zercher squads are a squat variation that involves holding the barbell in the crook of the arms in front of the body. Zercher squats force you to keep your body upright and maintain a straight back. If you find it uncomfortable to hold the barbell in the crook of your arms, use a barbell pad.

• Set up the barbell in your power rack just below elbow height.

• Step ‘into’ the bar so it touches the inside of your elbow; bring your forearms upwards.

• Take a deep breath in, brace, and lift the bar out of the rack; assume your squat stance.

• Break at the hip and squat, keeping your torso as vertical as possible.

• When your elbows touch your thighs, bring the weight back up.

• Finish the movement by fully extending your hips.

Suitcase Deadlift

Suitcase Deadlift using Mirafit Crumb Rubber Olympic Bumper Plates

Targets - Hamstrings, glutes, core

The suitcase deadlift is different from a traditional barbell deadlift as only one side of the body is loaded at a time. Suitcase deadlifts are a great exercise to train your posterior chain, core, and grip.

• Stand tall next to your loaded barbell in your normal deadlift stance. Ideally, you’ll use Olympic Bumper Plates to reduce the distance you need to travel with the bar. Use collars to secure the plates.

• Drive your hips back and down, keeping your spine in a neutral position, and grab the barbell.

• Inhale and brace. Squeeze your shoulder blades together to prevent your back twisting mid-lift.

• Extend your hips to stand up and finish the rep. Avoid any rotation of your torso.

Bent Over Row

Bent Over Row using a Mirafit Olympic Barbell

Targets - Upper back, lower back, biceps, core

The bent over row is a staple exercise in most strength programs and is considered one of the best exercises to build back muscle.

• Stand up straight while holding the bar with a double overhand grip.

• Hinge at the hip until your torso is slightly above parallel with the floor.

• Drive your elbows backwards and retract your shoulder blades.

• Pull the bar in until it touches your stomach.

• Slowly lower the bar back to your starting position.  

Seated Overhead Press

Seated Overhead Press using Mirafit M3 Squat Stands

Targets - Shoulders, core

There are many advantages to doing an overhead press while sitting down. You won’t be able to ‘cheat’ the rep by using your legs to drive the weight up. Plus, the seated overhead press is a great choice if you want to relieve your lower back. Make sure you tuck your chin in as the bar comes down. Don’t move the bar ‘around’ your face.

• Set the bar up just below shoulder height while standing.

• Position your bench under the bar, sit down, and use your overhand grip to unrack the bar.

• Inhale, brace, and slowly lower the bar to the top of your chest.

• Exhale as you drive the bar back to your starting position.

Barbell Climb

Targets - Core, shoulders

The barbell climb takes core exercise to the next level. This is an advanced movement which involves walking the hands down a vertically placed barbell while keeping the body as straight as possible. Make sure your lower back doesn’t arch at any stage of the barbell climb!

• Place one end of the barbell on the floor and hold the other end with both hands at shoulder height; assume a wide stance with your feet.

• Walk your hands down the barbell until your arms have reached an overhead position and your body is just above parallel with the floor.

• Walk your hands back up to finish the rep.

• Take special care when attempting this exercise. This exercise is not recommended for beginners and we recommend having a training partner hold the top of the barbell during the exercise until you are comfortable with the movement.

How many sets and reps you do is entirely dependent on your goals. If you’re looking to pack on some serious muscle, we suggest a 5 X 5 set/rep scheme at approximately 80% of your one rep max. If you want to increase muscular endurance, drop the weight to around 60% and up the rep range.

Written by guest author Lisanne Van Ingen.

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Tags: Equipment > Bars & Weight Plates ; Exercise Type > Strength