Gareth Sapstead's beach body.

We have all heard the saying...summer bodies are made in winter! As I write this and look out the window it is 5pm and already cold and dark and we are still over a month away from Christmas, never mind summer. Needless to say I can feel the motivation to go out for a run disappearing as fast as the sun is setting.  Besides, it has been another long year and we deserve a break and some indulgence in festive food. So, would the solution be to go on a crash diet and intense training program in the New Year to get into shape for summer?

Unfortunately this logic is flawed! Firstly let's talk about crash dieting. We arrive in the New Year and decide to observe a calorie reduction diet where we go from five course festive meals to a couple of green leaves on a plate. Initially the weight loss is good and we feel better about ourselves. We might just make the beach body deadline. The only problem with this is how our hormones are affected. Studies have shown that hormones related to our eating and satiety are still negatively affected as long as a year after dieting. This means that even though we have increased our consumption we still don’t feel full and end up eating more. Then we crash diet again and end up the cycle of yo-yo dieting.

The second issue relates to training. It is not in our human nature to take things slowly. We want those beach bodies and we want it now. If training three times a week is good, surely training seven days a week is how to get the best results. And if we end up stiff, that is just part of the process. Unfortunately this style of training is just going to put you off long term training or end up in an injury.

Okay, but I really need to get a summer body...

Gareth Sapstead performing a cobra pose

And that is where the saying summer bodies are made in winter really gets its meaning. The best way to get into shape is to be consistent with your training, particularly through the cold dark months and there is no time like now to start training. Don’t procrastinate! Let’s start before the festive season catches up to us and beach bodies become nothing more than another failed New Year's resolution

Here is my 3 step game plan to keep me going -

1 - Set a Goal

There is nothing like a goal to get you motivated. In my case I have decided to do a trail race in April. It is not just about the race but also about the fact that I feel motivated to train during the darker months. The added benefit is that this can help keep the Christmas pudding off and set the ground work for a beach body is an added benefit.

2 - Make it Exciting

To me, doing a 10 km road race sounds like a drag compared to a trail race in the Chiltern mountains. Make sure your goal is something that excites you as it will make you more motivated to train.

3 - Monitor Your Progress

If I miss a day on my running program I get a big red dot on that day. Not what I want to see! Skipping the next run is not an option as I can’t get two red dots in a row. Whatever your goal is, make sure you can monitor your progress or better yet be answerable to someone else. That can be in the form of a coach, a family member or training partner.

So What Exercises are Ideal to Start Our Summer Bodies in Winter Training?

Gareth Sapstead Performing Kettlebell Press and Battle Rope Training

You have your goal to motivate you but it is still the festive season so select exercises that burn as many calories in the shortest space of time. You can also take this opportunity to try new and exciting exercises that you wouldn’t normally do. Here are some of my go to exercises to burn calories and keep looking good for summer.


Kettlebells will always be included in my routines. Kettlebells are highly versatile They can get the heart rate going especially in timed routines such as 45 sec on 15 sec tabata routines but still be fitted into a short space of time.

Battle Ropes

Another piece of equipment that lends itself to high intensity, short duration circuits. Battle Ropes can target the arms, back, chest, legs and core all in the same exercise. Start with 5 sets of 30 sec on 30 sec off for rope exercises. Battle ropes provide resistance as well as a high cardio component so are great for toning your body into your summer body

Ab Roller

Who doesn’t want a 6-pack for summer? Ab Rollers will tone those abs that are worthy of showing off on the beach.

So in short, the only way to get a bikini body in a month is to negatively affect your long term weight loss and training. Rather focus on maintaining your training. Over the festive season you don’t need to be doing as many sessions as you would normally do. Select exercises that are fun and great for toning but don’t require a lot of time. By starting the summer body conditioning in winter you will be well on your way to achieving your beach body by the time the New Year rolls along.

Find out more about the ab roller benefits and exercises in our guide.

Written by guest author Brendan McBirnie.

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Tags: Equipment > Battle Ropes ; Equipment > Kettlebells ; Equipment > Rollers ; Misc > Workout