Man performing a dynamic stretch

What is Dynamic Stretching?

The word ‘dynamic’ means movement and therefore a dynamic stretch is a stretch that requires you to move throughout the exercise. Usually when we think of stretching, we picture something like yoga where you get into a position, then hold it, however this isn’t the case with dynamic stretching.

Instead of holding the stretch at the end range of motion, you move through the motion, in the same way you would if you were performing an exercise such as a squat or lunge. When carrying out a dynamic stretch, it is essential that you control the movement and take your time. If you rush any stretch that takes you to your end range, it can lead to a strain or injury.

What are the Benefits?

We all know that stretching feels good, if not a little uncomfortable sometimes. But you always feel better once you’ve stretched your muscles and tendons. Some of the benefits of dynamic stretching include

• Warm-up the body appropriately for exercise

• Improve flexibility

• Improve range of motion

• Reduce stress levels

How to Perform Dynamic Stretches

With dynamic stretching, because you are travelling through the movement, there are certain points that you need to be aware of to make sure you get the most out of it.

Dynamic stretching is usually best performed before a workout. This can be a weight training session or cardiovascular exercise. When you perform dynamic stretches you are warming up the muscles and joints so they are better prepared for the workout that follows.

Another thing to remember is that the best dynamic stretches are those that are similar to the movement you’re going to be performing. For example, if you will be doing Barbell back squats, gorilla squats are a great dynamic stretch.

You don’t need to overdo your stretching either. It’s already a commitment getting to the gym, let alone doing a whole stretch routine before you’ve even started your workout. Keep your dynamic stretching under 10 minutes. You’ll still feel all of the benefits without it being detrimental to your training.

Example Dynamic Stretch Routine

To keep your dynamic stretching routine under 10 minutes, choose 3-5 exercises using muscles that you will be training in your workout. For the best results complete 2-3 sets of each exercise and 8-10 repetitions.

Gorilla Squats

Gif of a man performing a gorilla stretch

Begin standing with your feet hips width apart, toes pointing forward. Forward fold and hold the front of your feet with your hands. In this position, allow your head to hang heavy and try to keep your legs as straight as possible without locking the knees out. Next, bend the hips, knees and ankles and lift the chest until you’re in a full squat position with your glutes as close to the floor as possible. Keep repeating this movement.

Lunge and Twist

Man performing the dynamic stretching Lunge and Twist

Start in a full plank position with your wrists under your shoulders. Step the left foot to the outside of the left hand so that you’re in a lunge position. Then, keep your right hand planted and reach your left hand up to the ceiling and twist. Return to your plank position and repeat on the other side.

Banded Dislocates

Man performing a banded dislocate

This exercise requires a long Resistance Band . Stand up in a neutral position and hold the band  as wide as you can comfortably. With a slight bend in your elbows, slowly draw the band over head and if possible, all the way behind the body to the lower back. Repeat going in the opposite direction without bending the elbows and keeping the band in a straight line. Make sure you don’t over arch your lower back when trying to get the band back to its original position.

Adding an extra 10 minutes to your workout routine to complete dynamic stretches can have a whole host of benefits. Not only will your body have the ability to move more efficiently, but potentially make you a better athlete all round.

Written by guest author Eryn Barber.

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Tags: Exercise Type > Warm Ups and Cool Downs ; Misc > Workout