Mirafit Ab Roller

An ab rollout is a core exercise that requires you to roll an ab wheel away from your body whilst in a kneeling position. It’s an advanced movement that requires a lot of core stability.

Core exercises might be something that you throw in at the end of a workout, but they’re important for the rest of your training. Having a strong core makes it easier to use the correct technique during lifts such as squats and deadlifts. It also gives you more stability when performing single-sided movements.

Ab Rollout Step-By-Step Guide

• To perform an ab rollout you will need an Ab Roller and Knee Pad to support your knees.

• Begin by kneeling on the mat with the roller directly in front of you.

• Hold onto the handles either side of the roller with both hands and brace your core.

• To avoid over extension of the spine, you can slightly round your lower back, this will stop any arching during the movement.

• Slowly roll the ab roller away from your body. You should keep your arms straight and body stiff.

• Allow your arms to extend forwards in front of you until your chest and face is close to the ground.

• Using your core strength, roll the wheel back towards your legs.

Ab rollouts require an incredible amount of core strength. The main thing to remember is not to over arch your back during the movement. Doing so will cause your lower spine to take the brunt of the force as opposed to your core which could lead to back problems.

If you want to improve your technique, try doing ab rollouts in front of a wall so there is a sturdy surface to stop you from going too far. Roll out to the wall and roll back. As you build up core strength, you can move further away from the wall.

Written by guest author Eryn Barber.

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Tags: Exercise Type > Conditioning