Man doing a barbell back squat in a Mirafit Squat Rack

The leg press machine is one of the most popular resistance training machines in a commercial gym, often creating queues of eager gym goers waiting to use it. But why?

Benefits of the Leg Press Versus a Back Squat

The leg press often gets used instead of the barbell back squat for a few reasons. First of all, it can be beneficial if you struggle with the upper body mobility requirements of barbell back squat, which is very common, especially in those that spend a lot of time at a desk and get a tight upper back. It also allows you to isolate the lower body more so than the back squat, which uses more trunk musculature than the leg press, making it more compound and less isolating of the lower body.

However, many do not have access to a leg press in their gym or garage gym set up. So, what can you do if you don’t have a leg press machine? Try these exercises.

Top Leg Press Alternative Exercises

Belt Squat

Man doing a weighted belt squat with a 15kg weight plate and a Mirafit weight belt

• Stand upright on a Landmine Row Platform, with a Weight Belt and a Weight Plate attached, and the plate hanging between the platform foot stands.

• Point your feet slightly out, ‘10 and 2 on a clock face’ as a guide.

• Sit between your knees until your hips are below your knees, keeping your chest proud.

• Stand back up, again, keeping your chest tall.

Key Benefit of the Belt Squat

The belt squat allows you to perform heavy squats, targeting your whole lower body, without the axial loading on barbell squat, taking the stress away from the lower back for those trying to isolate the legs. This can be useful for people rehabbing a lower back injury or those with physical, manual labour-based jobs.

Dumbbell Reverse Lunge

Man doing a dumbbell reverse lunge with Mirafit dumbbells

• Stand upright with a Dumbbell in each hand with both feet facing forwards.

• Reach back with one foot until in a lunge stance, then drop the corresponding knee to the floor slowly, before standing back up.

• Your foot should come far enough back that your front shin stays approximately vertical in your bottom position, with your whole front foot planted on the floor.

• Imagine balancing a pint of water on your head throughout to keep the shoulders and hips stable.

Key Benefit of the Dumbbell Reverse Lunge

It allows you to load the lower body in a split stance, challenging your hip stability but also, fairly uniquely, loading the anterior upper leg muscles of the back leg at long muscle lengths, increasing mobility and strength at length.

Single Leg Squat to Box

Man doing a single leg squat to box with a Mirafit soft plyo jump box

• Stand upright, on one foot, with your standing foot’s heel up against a Plyo Box and your other foot raised off the floor.

• Slowly sit down on the box, keeping your chest proud and your hands out in front for balance.

• Drive the floor away to stand back up with the working leg.

• Keep your shoulders and hips level throughout.

• Lower the box as you get stronger to further challenge your legs.

Key Benefit of the Single Leg Squat to Box

This isolates one leg at a time, helping to reduce side to side imbalances and strengthen our ability to perform on one leg, which is essential for sporting performance or exercises like single leg jumps. It does this without a large mobility demand. It’s also a perfect regression to a pistol squat.

Skater Squat

Man doing a skater squat on Mirafit Weightlifting Drop Pads

• Stand upright, with one heel up against a Drop Pad and the other raised off the floor and behind you.

• Slowly squat down, keeping your chest proud and hands out in front for balance, until your back knee touches the drop pad.

• Drive the floor away to stand back up with the working leg.

• Keep your hips and shoulders level throughout.

• Make the drop pad higher to make it easier and lower to make it harder.

Key Benefit of the Skater Squat

The skater squat works you through high levels of hip flexion, challenging the hip musculature, without the need for heavy weights because it is on one leg.

If you haven’t got a leg press machine, simply add these exercises to your workout and don’t miss out on any leg gains!

If you have got access, find out more about how to use a leg press machine.

Written by guest author Ewan Hammond

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Tags: Exercise Type > Conditioning