Today we have Harry Aikines-Aryeetey, a Team GB Olympic athlete, who specialises in the 100 and 200 meter sprints, taking us through the “Lazy Ab Workout”.

When we think of our core muscles we often think of our “abs'' or “six-pack muscles”. These are the main muscles covering our stomach, consisting of the rectus abdominis, transversus abdominis, and obliques.

A common misconception is that training the ab muscles will reduce body fat in this area, leading to a rock hard, chiselled six-pack. Although training the abs will help strengthen and stabilise the core, it isn’t possible to spot reduce fat from anywhere in the body, including our stomachs. To lose body fat you need to be in a calorie deficit. The location of your fat loss is largely down to genetics.

The Lazy Ab Workout

Sit Ups

Goal - 40 reps

• Start on your back, with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor and your hands on your thighs.

• Squeeze your chest up towards your knees. Move your palms up to the top of your knee.

• Lower your upper body back down to the floor keeping your core engaged.

Ankle Touches

Goal - 60 reps

• Start on your back, with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor and your hands by your side.

• Draw your lower ribs towards your hips, making sure your spine is flush with the floor.

• Reach laterally towards your toes on one side, alternating sides for each rep and keeping your core switched on.

James Bonds (aka Butterfly Crunches)

James Bond exercise for Mirafit

Goal - 30 reps

• Start on your back, with your knees bent and feet together.

• Lift your knees fall outwards. Grip your hands together pointing your fingers in a “gun” position, James Bond style.

• Lift your head, neck, and shoulders off the ground while contracting your abs. If you struggle with this, you can regress by using an Ab Pad

• Point your “handgun” low towards your ankles. With control, lower your head, neck, and shoulders back to the floor.


Goal - 20 reps

• Start on your back in an upside-down tabletop position, arms straight up, legs bent to 90 degrees and knees pointed towards the ceiling.

• Engage the core by pulling your lower ribs to the hips, keeping your spine flush to the floor.

• Reach your arms back over the top of your head and legs out to an extended position.

• Return back to the start position while keeping the core engaged throughout.

Leg Lowers

Leg lowers for Mirafit

Goal - 20 reps

• Start on your back with your legs straight up.

• Place your hands either on the floor, palms down for extra support or put your hands behind your head.

• With control bring your heels down toward the floor. Aim to keep the core engaged to stabilise your hips and spine.

• Raise your toes to the starting position to complete one rep.

• Want to progress even further? Try holding a light Dumbbell between your feet.

Leg Flutters

Goal - 60 reps

• Lay on your back with your legs straight out.

• Alternate your legs in a quick “fluttering” motion. Avoid letting your feet touch the ground or arching your back.

• You can make this exercise harder by placing your hands under your lower back or behind your head.

Mini V-Ups

Target - 30 reps

Mini v-ups for Mirafit

• Lie on your back, starting with your legs out with a slight bend in your knees and your hands by your side.

• Simultaneously lift your upper body and legs off the ground.

• Bring your fingertips towards your toes, forming a V shape with your body.

• Focus on squeezing your core at the top of the movement.

• Lower your upper body and legs back down to the starting position.

I hope you enjoyed the Lazy Ab Workout with Harry AA. This workout aims to target your abdominal muscles, with the benefit of being able to perform this anywhere with no equipment. Now, go ahead, embrace the burn, and enjoy the journey to a stronger, more stable core!

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Tags: Exercise Type > Cardio ; Misc > Workout