Banded Incline Dumbbell Press with Mirafit Resistance Bands

Resistance bands are a great option to spice up your chest sessions. They can be used on their own, for a low maintenance home training session, or in combination with free weights.

Resistance Band Benefits

• Increased eccentric force.

• Increased time under tension.

• Provides resistance throughout the movement.

Resistance Bands are an example of a variable resistance tool that allow us to modify the strength curve of an exercise by applying more resistance the further the band is stretched. This has frequently been shown to be beneficial for strength and power development. In some contexts, when applied in combination with traditional free weights, it has been shown to be superior to free weights alone.

Can You Build Muscle with Resistance Bands?

Banded Barbell Bench Press with Mirafit Barbell

Absolutely. When it comes to hypertrophy, our muscles respond to resistance, whichever equipment is used. The important factor you need to focus on is proximity to failure at a target muscle group. You should train with enough reps to get you within 1-2 reps of failure, 1-2 times per week, to start, and progress from there.

What Strength Resistance Band Should You Use?

For resistance band only exercises – use as heavy a band as you can.

For mixed resistance band and free weight exercises – use an 80:20 ratio of free weight to resistance band weight. So, at the top of a squat, you might have 80kg in plates and barbell, with what feels like an extra 20kg in load coming from the bands.

Resistance Band Chest Workout

Banded Barbell Bench Press

3 x 5 reps, 1-3 reps in reserve. Progress this to 4 then 5 sets on week 2 and 3 of this workout.

• Set up for a normal barbell bench press, inside a rack.

• Loop a band over one side of the bar and then pull it under the bench, before looping it onto the other side.

• Load plates on top of the bar gradually until you are ready for your working set with roughly an 80:20 loading ratio.

Banded Tricep Dips

3 x 5 reps, 1-3 reps in reserve. Progress this to 4 then 5 sets on week 2 and 3 of this workout.

• Loop a band over your shoulders, in a similar position to where a barbell sits during a back squat and hold either end of the band in each hand. 

• Grab onto your Dip Bars and jump into your start position.

• Perform your dips, progressively adding heavier and heavier bands to work your chest more.

Banded Dumbbell Chest Press

3 x 10 reps, 1-3 reps in reserve. Progress this to 4 then 5 sets on week 2 and 3 of this workout.

• Loop a resistance band behind your back and hold either side of the loop in each hand.

• Grab two dumbbells and lay down on a bench and proceed to perform your usual dumbbell bench press.

• Look to gradually increase the weight of the dumbbells until you are ready for your working set with roughly an 80:20 loading ratio.

Banded Incline Dumbbell Press

3 x 10 reps, 1-3 reps in reserve. Progress this to 4 then 5 sets on week 2 and 3 of this workout.

• Loop a resistance band behind your back and hold either side of the loop in each hand.

• Grab two Dumbbells and sit on a bench at a 45-degree incline and proceed to perform an incline press.

• Look to gradually increase the weight of the dumbbells until ready for your working set. Aim for roughly an 80:20 loading ratio.

Banded Push Ups

3 x 10 reps, 1-3 reps in reserve. Progress this to 4 then 5 sets on week 2 and 3 of this workout.

• Loop a resistance band behind your back and hold either side of the loop in each hand.

• Assume the top of a push up position with the band’s resistance pulling you down.

• Increase the resistance of the band gradually as you get stronger so that you are always working within a few reps of failure at your planned rep range.

Add this workout into your training week to get more bang for your buck from your chest training. Repeat it 1-2 times per week depending on your experience level and how much time you have to train per week.

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Tags: Equipment > Dumbbells ; Equipment > Resistance Bands ; Exercise Type > Strength