Rocking Standing Calf Raise with Mirafit Rubber Dumbbells

When it comes to lower body day at the gym, most of our attention is diverted to the upper leg muscles such as the quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes. But if that’s all that you train then you’re missing out on a whole section of your lower body, the lower legs. There’s much more to lower leg training than calf raises. In fact, lower leg strength is essential for runners, climbers and those looking to build muscle in general.

Muscles of the Lower Legs

Anterior - The anterior part of the lower leg consists of four muscles. The most powerful and superficial is the tibialis anterior. This along with the extensor hallucis longus, extensor digitorum longus and fibularis tertius cause ankle dorsiflexion, foot inversion and toe extension.

Posterior - The two most commonly known lower leg posterior muscles are the gastrocnemius and soleus. Both make up the ‘calf’ shape in the back of the leg and are responsible for ankle plantarflexion, foot inversion and toe flexion. The plantaris is another smaller muscle in the lower portion that aids these movements.

Lateral - There are two main lateral muscles in the lower leg that help to evert the foot. The fibularis longus and fibularis brevis are less commonly known but essential to the movement of the foot.

10 Great Lower Leg Exercises

1 - Tibia Dorsi Machine (Seated)

using Mirafit Seated Calf Raise Machine

• Sit upright on an adjustable weight bench and add weight plates to a Tibia Dorsi Machine.

• Make sure that the tops of your feet are resting on the cushioned pads of the machine.

• Slowly lift the weight by pointing your feet towards your body, contracting your tibialis anterior muscles.

• Lower the weight back down and repeat.

2 - Tibia Dorsi Machine (Standing)

Using Mirafit Tibia Dorsi Machine

• Place one foot in the tibia dorsi machine and keep the other foot planted on the ground to remain stable.

• Make sure that the top of your foot is resting on the cushioned pads.

• Using one foot, lift the weight towards your body and squeeze the muscles in the front of your lower legs.

• Lower the weight back down and repeat. Remember that when you’re using one leg you will need to reduce the load.

3 - Tib Raises with a Tib Developer Bar

• Sit on a flat surface such as a weight bench with your feet hanging off the end.

• Place your feet in a loaded Tib Developer Bar with the weight collar facing away.

• Point your toes towards your body and squeeze your tibialis anterior muscles.

• In a controlled manner, point your toes away to release the weight and repeat.

4 - Seated Tib Stretch

• Secure a resistance band around a stable structure such as a secured squat rack.

• Sit down on the floor and place the other end of the resistance band around the front of your foot.

• Extend your leg straight and ensure that the resistance band is pulling against your foot when in a neutral position.

• Rest your hands on the floor behind you for support. Then use your anterior muscles to pull the resistance band towards your body, pointing your toes towards you.

• Slowly release your foot back to a neutral position and repeat.

6 - Seated Calf Raise on Machine

• Load weight plates onto a Seated Calf Raise Machine.

• Sit down and adjust the thigh pad so that your legs are secure and comfortable in the machine.

• Place the balls of your feet on the chequered foot plates. To release the safety bar, lift your heels to raise the thigh pad and pull the safety bar to the side.

• Complete your calf raises by lifting your heels, squeezing your calf muscles and slowly dropping your heels down towards the floor. To maximise range of motion, allow your heels to stretch down as far as you can.

• When finished, lift your heels, and pull the safety bar back to its original position.

5 - Heel Walks

• Stand tall, brace your core muscles and step your feet shoulder width apart.

• Shift your weight into your heels and lift the front of your feet off the floor.

• Walk forwards, engaging your tibia muscles as you stay on your heels throughout the movement.

7 - Standing Barbell Calf Raise

Standing barbell calf raise with Mirafit Bar

• Make sure that your barbell is set up in the rack correctly between chest and shoulder height.

• Walk under the bar and rest it on your upper trapezius muscles.

• Grip onto the bar with both hands either side of your shoulders. Lift the bar off the rack and take a few small steps backwards.

• Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, brace your core and stand tall with a neutral spine.

• Shift your weight onto the balls of your feet and lift your heels off the floor as high as you can. 

• Once at the top, squeeze your calf muscles for full muscle contraction.

• Slowly lower your feet back down to the ground.

To progress this exercise you can increase the range of motion by adding an exercise step. This will allow you to go deeper into plantarflexion and therefore your calf muscles will have a greater range to work from.

8 - Rocking Standing Calf Raise

• Set up the Barbell in the same way as a calf raise.

• Step out of the rack, place your feet shoulder width apart and stand tall. Brace your core and retain a neutral spine.

• Rock back onto your heels and lift your toes off the floor whilst squeezing your tibia muscles.

• Then rock forward, shifting your weight into the balls of your feet and lift your heels off the ground, squeezing your calf muscles simultaneously.

• Repeat the movement, working both your anterior and posterior lower leg muscles.

9 - Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squat

Bulgarian split squats with Mirafit Dumbbells

• To set up your Bulgarian split squat, place one foot on a flat bench behind you with the top of your foot resting on the bench. Plant the opposite foot on the ground so that you’re in a split stance position.

• Pick up your dumbbells from the floor, then slightly lean forward so that there is a straight line from the hamstring of your back leg all the way up to your head.

• Bend both legs as you lower the back knee as close to the ground as you can.

• Pause at the bottom, then push your weight into the heel of your front foot as you drive back up to the starting position.

10 - Tiptoe Farmer's Walk

• Pick up two heavy dumbbells, brace your core and retain a neutral spine.

• Lift your heels off the floor, putting your weight into the balls of your feet and squeeze your calf muscles.

• Walk forward, keeping your heels raised. 

Next time you think about neglecting your lower legs, think again. Here you’ve got all of the exercise inspiration you need to add variety to your training.

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Tags: Equipment > Bars and Weight Plates ; Equipment > Benches ; Equipment > Dumbbells ; Equipment > Gym Machines ; Exercise Type > Strength