Squat in an M4 Squat Rack

The Barbell and Squat Rack combination is one of the most versatile additions to a gym. But how can we structure a well-rounded training session using just a squat rack and barbell? One that targets a wide range of movements and motor qualities, like strength, power, hypertrophy and even mobility?

Well, pay attention because we are going to give you a full body squat rack workout that does just that in this article!

Barbell Jump Squat

Barbell jump squat in an M4 Squat Rack

The barbell jump squat helps us work on our explosive power, working at high velocities with resistance during a ballistic jumping movement.

• Set up the barbell on the squat rack, just below shoulder height.

• Step under the barbell, securing it on your upper traps, with your hands holding the bar outside of the shoulders.

• Stand up and step away from the rack, assuming a jumping stance.

• Jump as high as you can, thinking about getting your head to the sky.

• Cushion your landing with the legs, before standing back up and repeating.

Barbell Bench Press

Barbell bench press in an M4 Squat Rack

The barbell bench press is an upper body pushing exercise for developing strength in the chest, shoulders, and triceps.

• Set up the barbell on the squat rack, around hip height, with a bench placed central to the bar, with the head of the bench under the bar.

• Lay down on the bench with your eyes in line with the bar and grab the barbell just outside shoulder width, at an even distance from the middle.

• Press it away from the rack, locking the arms out to assume your start position.

• Lower the bar down to the sternum (mid chest), with your elbows at a 45-degree angle to your torso.

• When you touch the chest, drive the bar back up to the sky until the elbows are locked out again to complete the rep.

Barbell Back Squat

The barbell back squat is a great lower body focused exercise for building strength and muscle in the glutes, quads and surrounding muscles.

• Set up the barbell on the squat rack, just below shoulder height.

• Step under the barbell, securing it on your upper traps, with your hands holding the bar outside of the shoulders.

• Stand up and step away from the rack, with your feet shoulder width apart, pointing slightly out. 

• Bending your knees and hips at the same time, sit down as deep as you can.

• Drive the floor away to stand back up.

Barbell Romanian Deadlift

Romanian deadlift in an M4 Squat Rack

The barbell RDL, very similar to a traditional deadlift, is a great way to strengthen and focus on our posterior chain strength. However, the RDL focuses slightly more on working the hamstrings eccentrically and at long muscle lengths, which is great for building muscle and improving hamstring mobility.

• Set up the barbell on the squat rack, just below hip height.

• Unrack the bar and step away with your hands just outside your legs.

• Push your bum back to the wall behind you to lower the barbell, keeping it close to the legs.

• Once you have pushed your hips back as far as you can, reverse the movement to stand back up and complete the rep.

Barbell Reverse Lunge

Reverse lunge in an M4 Squat Rack

The barbell reverse lunge is a great way to work on lower body stability and single leg strength, reducing side to side strength imbalances.

• Set up the barbell on the squat rack, just below shoulder height.

• Step under the barbell, securing it on your upper traps, with your hands holding the bar outside of the shoulders.

• Stand up and step away from the rack, with your feet hip width apart.

• Step one leg backwards, shifting and leaning your weight onto the standing leg.

• Once the back foot is touching the floor, drop the back knee to the floor to get full range of motion.

• Reverse the movement, driving through the front leg to stand back up.

Barbell Bent Over Row

The barbell bent over row is a great way to build upper body pulling strength, which also reinforces your hinge position. This is a great way to build up your upper back muscles to work towards your first chin up.

• Set up the barbell on the squat rack, just below hip height.

• Unrack the bar and step away with your hands just outside your legs.

• Push your bum back to the wall behind you to lower the barbell to your start position, letting it hang under the shoulders.

• Pull the barbell into your hips until your elbows are past your torso, before slowly lowering back down to complete the rep.

Add this full body squat rack workout to your next training week to build muscle and work on strength, mobility, and power to become more functionally proficient across a range of compound exercises!

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Tags: Equipment > Bars and Weight Plates ; Equipment > Squat Racks ; Exercise Type > Strength ; Misc > Workout