Mirafit Specialist Weight Bench Guide

When you think of an exercise bench you naturally picture a strength athlete lying on their back with the stain of the bench press showing in their face. If you have a strong imagination you might even picture an incline bench press.

But very few people would have started thinking of all the Specialist Weight Benches you can get. These benches are those niche pieces of equipment that enhance your training or help zone in on muscle groups that you put more emphasis on.

Let's be honest, there is also a certain amount of bragging rights to those of us who have more than just a regular bench in the gym. For those who are interested in a bench that is more than just a bench here are our favourites.

Mirafit Sit Up Bench

Mirafit Sit Up Bench Black and Orange on White Background

Training for a six pack? Or just a stronger core? A good Sit Up Bench will help you target your core muscles. With 12 adjustable height positions you will really be able to train your abdominals and hip flexors with a variety of different angles and functions.

The name might also mislead you. You are not only restricted to sit ups on this bench. Rotational movements such as the cross-over crunch and Russian twists can also be included. By adding a Medicine Ball into your routine you can also increase the intensity of the exercise. The upright bar can be easily removed for storage so you are not sacrificing a space in your gym

Mirafit M3 GHD Machine

Mirafit M3 GHD Machine on white Background

One look at this bench and you will think of hyperextension exercises. And you would be correct. You will also probably turn your eyes to other equipment without thinking of the benefits of the hyperextension.

Hyperextensions are the best exercise to develop your posterior chain that includes the glutes, hamstring and spinal muscles, which other exercises struggle to do. If you are looking to increase your sprinting speed or improve your deadlifts then this is a great exercise to include.

This bench also has a resistance band peg to make sure you can continually increase the load. You can also do reverse hyperextensions by arching back and touching the floor before sitting up. The bar adjusts to multiple heights and that allows you to include glute raises and hamstring curls as well.

Mirafit Preacher Curl Bench

Mirafit Preacher Curl Bench on White Background

Roll up your sleeves, it is time to get the guns out. The Preacher Curl Bench will help you isolate and develop your biceps. With a rack for a barbell you can lift heavy weights or focus on individual biceps with dumbbells.

This bench is ideal to maximise muscle growth in your biceps by allowing you to lower the weight at a slow tempo while keeping form. The adjustable bench also ensures that you are able to get into the most comfortable position to train your biceps.

Mirafit M2 Bench Press Rack

Mirafit M2 Bench Press Rack with Spotter Decks on White Background

If your bench press setup is just not enough for your gym then this will become your bench press heaven. Our Bench Press Rack features our popular M2 flat weight bench with its thick padded cushion but then expands by including a built in rack.

The rack has barbell rests that adjust to 18 different positions as well as safety spotters in case you are ever overzealous with the weights. Both bar rests and safety bars are easily adjustable and come with anti-scratch liners. There is also an optional spotter deck platform if you are planning on training with a partner.

Mirafit Hip Thrust Bench

Mirafit Hip Thrust Benches On White Background

Strong glutes are the answer to a lot of problems. From improving posture to lowering injury risk and assisting in increasing your squat. Unfortunately glutes are often undertrained leading to these issues. One of the best forms of training glutes is by doing hip thrusts but this causes other problems.

To get the right height to load a bar is not easy or the bench slides when you do the exercise. The Hip Thrust Bench solves all those problems by providing firm EPE foam with an anti-slip base. You can now support your back and lift the heavy barbell without any worries. The firm foam comes in two sizes with the larger size suitable to do other exercises such as bench press.

Whether you are looking for the ultimate bench press experience or you want to zone in on your abs and glutes, specialist benches can add to your training experience. It can prevent you from getting stale by doing the same exercise. By adding variation to your routine, training can become more exciting, and you can benefit from a better training stimulus.

Inspired? Check out our top preacher curl variations.

Written by guest author Brendan McBirnie.

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Tags: Equipment > Benches ; Exercise Type > Strength ; Misc > Gym Planning